
When Sunday comes…
Our pastors will be standing in church sanctuaries that are completely empty. Speaking to a room of chairs. Carrying the weight of their congregations on their shoulders. Wondering how everyone is doing. Wondering what this is going to look like on the other side. Wondering how the finances are going to fare in light of all this. Wondering how to shepherd their flock.

When Sunday comes…
Jump on your church’s livestream. Don’t watch later cause you’ve got all day. Be on time! Participate in it as it’s happening. Engage with what is taking place. Pray when prayer is happening. Worship alongside the worship leader. Be present and be engaged. Please comment, share, love, encourage, and pray. Yes, it’s different and uncomfortable and maybe even a little weird for you, just like it is for many pastors all around the country and across the globe.

When Sunday comes…
Please, be faithful to your church. I know your newsfeed will be flooded with live-streams from countless churches, but I am asking you to be faithful to your church. You can watch other livestreams later.

When Sunday comes…
Please be sure and give! Your church still has an important ministry in your community and our world. Yes, the budget needs to be met and bills still need to be paid. Give online or mail in your check or send it with a carrier pigeon if you have to (just kidding, right?). Whatever ways are available to you to give, please do so. Pastors carry the weight of your church’s finances, community engagement, and your missionary support on their shoulders. It is a heavy load in good times but now it is immense. Please don’t slack off on your faithful giving and living generously.

When Sunday comes…
‘Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you’ (Hebrews 13:7) so please practice L.E.P.S. — Love, Encourage, Pray-for, and Support your pastor and your church.

When some other day comes…
We will look back on all of this. When we do may it be a time when you discovered God in fresh new ways. When your prayer life deepened. When your love for God and others became practical, feasible, fiscal, and felt.

What Would People Think?

by Pastor Nabil Safi

“What would people think?” is a common response I often got in the past and still get today, when I have conversations about senior leadership with women from the Middle East. The fear of being judged has crippled women in general to be thriving in the community at large and in particular inside the local church. The fact that a woman lives in a lopsided society that promotes males over females makes it very difficult for her to navigate the conflicting values of equality and personal achievement versus honor‐shame and community’s best interest. Consequently, when faced with an invitation to lead, her immediate response is: What would people think?

As I explored the topic of women in ministry on a global scale, I learned that it is a global struggle manifested in different degrees of severity depending on the culture’s openness to embrace the Theology of equality. For this article, I want to shed the light on the Middle East and focus on the story of the Church of God (COG) in that region and in particular the country of Lebanon.

Why Lebanon? Simply, because I was born and grew up in this country and I want share my personal experience and observations. Another reason is that the work of the COG in Lebanon was started by women missionaries in the early 1900s. In addition to that, in the early 1920s, the first three women to be ordained in the Middle East were from the COG in Lebanon. One might think that this is a big win for the church in Lebanon at that time. This is true except that the church did not follow through to transform this win into a paradigm shift and establish the new normal for the generations to follow. Since then, we do not know of any ordained women in the country, and in this same country now I hear the words “What would people think if I became a pastor/senior leader?” Those words break my heart because the church is missing a lot of opportunities.

As I reflect on this story, I am not discouraged; instead I still see great potential in the COG Lebanon because it is a fertile soil to become a pioneer once again. I say that because this coming October, the first woman will be ordained in the Presbyterian Church in Lebanon, and will be serving in a city where Islam is the dominant influence. I had the chance to contact her, and I sensed a lot of hope in her vision for the city. The COG is a movement and we will continue to explore new ways to build the Kingdom. Almost a hundred years ago the COG in Lebanon was a trailblazer to prepare the path for another denomination to have their first female ordained pastor. I wonder what God has in store for the COG in Lebanon!


Finally, I believe that God has positioned the global COG in a place to begin living the prophecy in Joel 2:29. We neither need to debate nor to prove whether ‘women in ministry’ is a biblically sound teaching or not; rather we ought to start boldly practicing and celebrating what God has ordained. My response to the women leaders I am having conversations with about their role in ministry is: Let us not focus on what people think, let us obey what God says.