
When Sunday comes…
Our pastors will be standing in church sanctuaries that are completely empty. Speaking to a room of chairs. Carrying the weight of their congregations on their shoulders. Wondering how everyone is doing. Wondering what this is going to look like on the other side. Wondering how the finances are going to fare in light of all this. Wondering how to shepherd their flock.

When Sunday comes…
Jump on your church’s livestream. Don’t watch later cause you’ve got all day. Be on time! Participate in it as it’s happening. Engage with what is taking place. Pray when prayer is happening. Worship alongside the worship leader. Be present and be engaged. Please comment, share, love, encourage, and pray. Yes, it’s different and uncomfortable and maybe even a little weird for you, just like it is for many pastors all around the country and across the globe.

When Sunday comes…
Please, be faithful to your church. I know your newsfeed will be flooded with live-streams from countless churches, but I am asking you to be faithful to your church. You can watch other livestreams later.

When Sunday comes…
Please be sure and give! Your church still has an important ministry in your community and our world. Yes, the budget needs to be met and bills still need to be paid. Give online or mail in your check or send it with a carrier pigeon if you have to (just kidding, right?). Whatever ways are available to you to give, please do so. Pastors carry the weight of your church’s finances, community engagement, and your missionary support on their shoulders. It is a heavy load in good times but now it is immense. Please don’t slack off on your faithful giving and living generously.

When Sunday comes…
‘Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you’ (Hebrews 13:7) so please practice L.E.P.S. — Love, Encourage, Pray-for, and Support your pastor and your church.

When some other day comes…
We will look back on all of this. When we do may it be a time when you discovered God in fresh new ways. When your prayer life deepened. When your love for God and others became practical, feasible, fiscal, and felt.

I want to thank Mike Claypool, the State Pastor for North and South Carolina, for this excellent list of how to respond in creative ways.
These are difficult days but they also provide opportunities for us to be examples of hope and faith in Christ!  We need to be able to minister to our members and our communities. ‘Social distancing’ makes this a challenge but I want to offer you assistance with several ministry options.
1. Pastoral Care
It is important to stay connected to your members. Phone calls, texts, encouraging emails can go a long way to letting them know that you care and are staying in touch with their needs.
2. Prayer
Sharing prayer needs via email prayer chains, One-Call or other similar platforms can help congregational members stay connected with each other’s needs. Utilizing some of the options below can also help with this.
3. Low Tech Options for Services, Meetings, Bible Studies is a tool you can use to connect groups of senior adults or others in your congregation who are not able to use technology.
You can sign up for a FREE account. This account will provide you with a phone number, an access code, and a PIN number.
Everyone calls the phone number and when prompted, they key in the access code. As the host, you will be asked for your PIN number which will then enable your call to go live.
There is a key to mute everyone so you can eliminate background noise and interruptions.
Anyone who has a phone can utilize this option so you can lead a Bible study, share prayer requests, conduct meetings or share a devotional. Everyone can hear what you are sharing on their phone and you can control when others can share.
4. Video conferencing for meetings, Bible studies and services
Zoom has FREE and paid options. The FREE version allows up to 100 people to log on to your online ‘meeting’. This is a video/audio platform so they can see and hear you and each other.
This is a great way to have a ‘Sunday School’ lesson, small group Bible study or other type of preaching/teaching.
Go to and sign up for your free account.
You can set the date and time for your service/meeting/Bible study and email a link to your members. They can click on the link and it will download the app automatically and connect them to the meeting. They can use a computer, tablet or smartphone. Having a device with a built in microphone and camera makes it easier.
If they can’t do the video, each meeting also has a call in option. They dial the phone number and the meeting access number. Then they can listen in and talk while others hear them and can speak to them.
The down side is that the free version is limited to 40 minute ‘meetings’.
If you want more time, want to be able to record the ‘meeting’ or have other options, you can do that with a paid subscription that starts at $14.99 a month.
If you don’t need those options, the basic version of Zoom is free for you and your audience.
5. Online Services via Facebook Live
Facebook Live is a free option. You can broadcast your message live to those who click on your page. The down side is that this allows only one way communication, you to your audience. It is free and a large number of your members probably already have Facebook.
It is low cost and fairly easy. If you already have a Facebook page for your church, simply go to your page, click “Overview” and at the top right it will say “Live”. It will open up your mic and your camera on your phone or computer and then click “Start Live Video”.
Some TIPS….
A. Open it in your churches Facebook Page, not your personal page. This will allow others who may not be your ‘friend’ to find your service.
B. Bring the camera in close to the speaker. Think about ‘Sports Center’ or a news anchor. People will pay more attention when they see the speakers facial expressions instead of your whole stage or platform.
C. If you have a website put a bold announcement that is easy to find with a link to your Facebook Page and the TIME that you will be broadcasting. (If you don’t have a website and want one, give me a call. I can help you with that!)
D. People have a very short attention span when it comes to screen time. A good 15 minute sermon will keep them with you a lot better than a long 45 minute one. All they have to do is click to leave…no one is going to see them get up and leave your ‘online sanctuary’! Lol
E. While they are watching, have them hit ‘SHARE’. That will allow all of their ‘friends’ to see what they are watching and then they can click on your service and ‘attend’ as well! This is a great outreach opportunity! It is a great way to help your members be able to invite their ‘friends’ to attend your church. Once we are able to hold open services, you may find that you have some new members!
6. Giving Opportunities
During the next 6-8 weeks, it may be difficult for people to get out of the house and your church’s electric bill and church’s mortgage are still going to be due….we need to encourage our people to be faithful, in church or out!
Providing an online giving platform can help many, particularly if it has a ‘reoccurring giving’ option. This allows them to set the amount and the frequency. They can give their tithes automatically every week, bi-weekly or monthly.
Givelify is one good option that many of our churches are using. There is a small service fee per transaction but that is a small price to pay. This app is made for churches and non-profits so it works very well.
FaithLife has an online option as well.
The Cash App is another option.
However you communicate with your congregation during these times, don’t be afraid to remind them to be faithful in their giving. It’s not just because your ministry needs it, but Jesus promised that if we give, it will be given unto us. Help them to remember and receive the blessing of faithfully giving!
Personal phone calls, Facebook announcements, emails, etc are all good ways to communicate but no one way is good for everyone.
You can’t expect that everyone is going to read your email (some of you aren’t reading this!). Not everyone is going to see your Facebook post. Communicate, communicate, communicate! Communicate on a regular basis.
Don’t let them drift away by being ‘out of sight, out of mind’.
Coach them. Many of them don’t know how or are even afraid they can’t do an online meeting or conference call. Practice yourself and then provide instructions. Coach them how to do. Encourage them to stay connected!
These are difficult and challenging times! This situation is forcing us to try other forms of ministry we may not have tried before…
But if you need any help with any of these options, let me know. I will be glad to help you!
I will be praying for each of you and your congregations!

Coronavirus Contingency Plan Options – March 2020

March 12, 2020

Dear Pastors and Leaders of the Church of God in Colorado,

We are living through unprecedented events in our lifetimes.  Yet during any and all moments of time we have a sure and firm foundation (Matthew 7:24-27).  Thus, we do not live in fear but in faith in the risen and reigning Lord of all – Christ Jesus our Lord – who is Lord of all!

As our local, national, and global situation unfolds we are ones who know that an important part of our roles is to be a non-anxious presence in anxiety-ridden situations.  We can help reduce people’s levels of stress and worry by making wise, faith-based decisions and avoiding unwise, fear-based reactions.

An important question to lead us through these times is, “What does love compel us to do?”  Love compels us to care for one another and our neighbors well.  Love compels us to help keep our most at-risk people as safe as possible.  Love compels us to do all we can to care for and serve our neighbors.  For God is love (1 John 4:8 & 16) and love is the fulfillment of all things (Romans 13:8 & 10).

What follows are not rigid rules but general guidelines.  They were developed by my counter-part in Western Pennsylvania, Rev. Rebecca New-Edson, PhD.  She is one of the State Pastors of the Church of God I most admire and call upon for advice, perspective, and wisdom.  In response to the spread of the coronavirus she assembled a wise team of researchers and advisors so that together they could create a helpful outline of current contingency plan options in responding to COVID-19.  That information has been slightly adapted for our use here in Colorado.  I hope these options will be helpful to you as you devise your own responses as the situation changes and unfolds in the days ahead.

If I can be helpful please do not hesitate to contact me.

I am in your corner and am praying for you,

Steve Rennick

Colorado State Pastor

Church of God

(317) 373-1423

Level 1- If there are no known infections in your area

  • Keep events as scheduled and planned
  • Prevent Spread:
    • If you have any flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, sneezing, etc.) stay home
    • Refrain from handshaking and hugging at gatherings
    • Hand sanitizer at entry/exit doors and at all gatherings (youth, small groups, etc)
    • Disinfecting wipes in children’s areas (nursery and classrooms)
  • Serve:
    • Members gather contact info for senior friends and seniors in their neighborhood
    • Assemble team of volunteers to make deliveries to seniors
    • Assemble team of volunteers for pastoral care (calls and cards)
  • Prepare:
    • Guide our church and community families for basic preparation

Level 2- people in your area become infected but incidents are isolated

  • Gather for Sunday morning worship as scheduled
  • Prevent Spread:
    • Suspend serving the Lord’s Supper unless highly sanitary methods are adopted – such as servers using medical gloves and individually handing the elements to persons, thus not allowing persons to touch the tray or other elements
    • Cancel all Senior Adult events (as it has been established that seniors are most affected by virus)
    • Eliminate all handshaking and hugging at gatherings
    • Hand sanitizer at entry/exit doors and at all gatherings (youth, small groups, etc)
    • Disinfecting wipes in children’s areas (nursery and classrooms)
    • Minimize in person hospital/nursing home/home visitations
  • Serve:
    • Implement Seniors Care
      • members contact their senior adult friends/neighbors for wellness check
      • church coordinate getting groceries and Rx for seniors as needed (help seniors learn to use options such as Grocery Store Pickups and Amazon Market)
      • Deliver community food bank senior food boxes as needed
    • Implement team to call and send cards to quarantined/hospitalized persons
  • Prepare:
    • Prepare for online worship services
      • Worship team video record multiple songs
      • Develop plan for pastor to record weekly video messages
      • Develop plan to put video on Facebook and church website
    • Encourage basic family preparations listed in Level 1
    • Encourage people to set-up online giving

Level 3 – active community spread in your area

  • Prevent Spread:
    • Cancel all gatherings (worship services, small groups, meetings, etc)
    • Implement remote meetings (phone, email or online/video)
    • Suspend in person hospital/nursing home/home visitations
  • Serve:
    • Produce at least weekly online service via Facebook and website
    • Encourage online giving to keep ministries going
    • Continue implementing Seniors Care
    • Continue to use team to call and send cards to quarantined/hospitalized persons
  • Prepare:
    • Establish online worship services
    • Create telephone call prayer meetings (you can go online to register for a free conference call at


“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the household of faith.” (Ephesians 6:10).  These unprecedented times also provide us unprecedented opportunities to “do good to all people” while we give particular attention to “those who belong to the household of faith.”  Let us fulfill the law as Jesus teaches us by loving God and our neighbors as we love ourselves.  May the Church of God in all of our communities be the people and the place that cares well for one another and for our neighbors.  This is the best time for us to demonstrate in attitude and action, in word and deed, the love of God for all people.

Prevent Spread (based on the early-March 2020 direction of the CDC and US Surgeon General):

Hand washing; Thoroughly washing hands for 20 seconds with soap and water is one of the best way to prevent coronavirus spread.  Wash hands after social interactions, after being in a public space (worship service, store, restaurant, etc), after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

Carrier vs symptoms: You may be a contagious carrier of the coronavirus for 14 days prior to having any flu-like symptoms.  It is imperative that anyone having symptoms immediately self-quarantine and alert others with whom you’d had contact in the last 2 weeks that you have symptoms of the coronavirus.

Hand Sanitizer:  When hand washing is not possible, hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol can be used.  It may be difficult to find it in your local stores or online.  Many online recipes are available, but caution should be used to ensure that the final mixture is not contaminated and contains at least 60% alcohol.  Additionally, many of the ingredients needed to make your own sanitizer have become scarce and difficult to purchase.

Masks:  The CDC and Surgeon General have repeatedly stated that wearing masks will not prevent you from getting the coronavirus.  But the mask can help infected people from spreading it to other people in their home by preventing droplets from being spread from the infected person’s mouth/nose.

Quarantine:  Whether the quarantine is because you have symptoms or because you have been exposed to someone with symptoms, be prepared for at least a 14 day quarantine:

  • 90 day Rx- as most prescriptions are imported, it may become difficult to get certain medications.  By having a 90 day supply (available by getting a 90 day Rx from your Dr) you can minimize the possibility of running out of medications.
  • 14 days food for you and your pets
  • Cleaning products and toiletries (including toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, and cleaners or diluted bleach water).  A CDC approved list of cleaners  can be found here:
  • Soap for hand-washing
  • Masks for use if person in home becomes infected
  • Laundry detergent
  • Thermometer to check for fever (one of the primary signs of coronavirus)
  • Over the counter flu medications to treat symptoms


Producing Online Service– Most of us have never taken a video editing/production class.  But there may be someone in your church or family who would be able to take the raw footage of songs recorded by your worship team (during level 2) and messages recorded by you and put together a meaningful time of worship that you can put on your church Facebook page or website.  The following link suggests some low-cost equipment that might make your recordings done with your smart phone a higher production quality:

Online giving– If not already set up, there are many options available for online giving.  If you use a Church Management System (Planning Center Online, Elexio, Servant Keeper, etc), you probably have online and/or text to give options available through that system that might be the best way to get started with electronic giving.  Here are a list of other possible options:

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Again, all of these are not rigid rules but general guidelines to prompt your thinking and decision-making in your context.  I am praying for you and for your church families.  These unfolding circumstances provide us unparalleled opportunities to be the Good News of Jesus as we live with hope and act in love.

May God guide you as you lead in your context and minister to others in an overflow of Christ’s compassion, mercy, and love.